Linkliste & Kapitelzusatzinfo:
Kapitel 2 "Von Usability überzeugen"
des Buches "Usability praktisch umsetzen"
Zu den im Kapitel im Abschnitt "Quellen und Weiterlesen" genannten Texten
finden Sie im folgenden die Links. Ein Klick öffnet diese jeweils in
einem neuen Fenster.
- Barker, D. T.: Cost benefits of usability engineering, 2000. Link zum Volltext.
- Benway, J. P., & Lane, D. M.: Banner blindness: Web searchers often
miss 'obvious' links. Internetworking, 1.3, December 1998. Link zum Volltext.
- Bias, R. G., & Mayhew, D. J. (Hrsg.): Cost-Justifying usability. Academic
Press, 1994.
- Cooper, A.: The inmates are running the asylum: Why high tech products
drive us crazy and how to restore the sanity. Sams Publishing, 1999.
- Donahue, G., Weinschenk, S., & Nowicki, J.: Usability is good business.
[Whitepaper], 1999. Link
zum Volltext.
- Gilb, T.: Principles of software engineering management. Addison Wesley,
- Hurst, M.: Interview: Maryam Mohit, Good Experience Newsletter,
21. Nov. 2002.
- IBM: Cost justifying ease of use, März 2003. Link zum Volltext.
- Kalbach, J.: Challenging the status quo: Audi redesigned. Boxes and Arrows,
9. Juni 2002. Link zum Volltext.
- Kalin, S.: Mazed and confused. CIO Web Business Magazine, 11. April 1999.
Link zum
- Krug, S.: Don't make me think: A common sense approach to web usability.
Que, 2001.
- Landauer, T. K.: The trouble with computers: Usefulness, usability, and
productivity. MIT Press, 1995.
- Lee, J.: Crashed computer boots local man into jail: Owner takes out frustration
with a sledgehammer. Post Crescent, 2002. Link zum Volltext.
- Mauro, C. L.: Professional usability testing and return on investment as
it applies to user interface design for web-based products and services. MauroNewMedia
Whitepaper, 2002. Link
zum Volltext.
- Nielsen, J.: Loyalty on the web. Alertbox, 1. August 1997. Link
zum Volltext.
- Nielsen, J.: Web research: Believe the data. Alertbox, 11. Juli 1999a.
Link zum Volltext.
- Nielsen, J.: Why people shop on the web. Alertbox, 7. Feb. 1999b. Link
zum Volltext.
- Pagendarm, M., & Schaumburg, H.: Why are users banner-blind? The impact
of navigation style on the perception of web banners. Journal of Digital Information,
2(1), 2001. Link
zum Volltext.
- Sanders, E.: From user-centered to participatory design approaches. In
J. Frascara (Hrsg.): Design and the Social Sciences. Taylor & Francis
Books Limited, 2002. Link
zum Volltext.
- Sinha, R.: ROI of usability: A collection of links [Website], 2002. Link
zum Volltext.
- Spool, J.: Branding and usability. Eye for Design Newsletter, 1999. Link
zum Volltext.
- Spool, J.: How usability-focused companies think. Eye for Design Newsletter,
2002. Link zum Volltext.
- Tedeschi, B.: Putting tinsel into web shopping. New York Times, 18. Nov.
2002. Link
zum Volltext.
- UI Engineering: Are the product lists on your site losing sales? [Whitepaper],
2001. Link
zum Volltext.
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